5 Things to Consider If You Are Planning CLPL This Term
I know some schools have in-service days this term and will be looking for meaningful professional learning opportunities for their teams. In this blog I want to share the 5 things I have found useful when designing learning during a global pandemic. If you don’t have an in-service day coming up you may be thinking about professional learning both now and in the future. Equally you can use this to think about what learning you might want to engage in during this odd time.
You’ve all been working really hard getting to grips with providing online learning for students, supporting hubs and families. I invite you to take a moment and acknowledge how much you and your community have achieved so far. I’m sure connecting online as a team and a community has been important as well as having its ups and downs. Now you also need to think about how to maximise the learning opportunity on an upcoming in-service day.
For the last 15 years I’ve been designing learning and over the last 2 years I have delivered my own online group coaching programme (We:Align), values based leadership programmes with Columba 1400 as well as participating as a learner in three online programmes. I have learned so much about what works and what doesn’t work from both the learner and facilitator perspective. There are also many small things you can do that can make a significant difference.
In this post I share the 5 things I urge you to consider when planning. These 5 things will make a difference to you as the facilitator and to the outcomes for your team or community.
Five things to consider when designing or choosing learning:
1. Be human centred – how long can you or your team focus and engage in learning or dialogue at the moment?
2. Start with the end in mind – how do you want your team to feel, think and or be able to do by the end of the day or session?
3. Container building – how will you create a safe space for vulnerability?
4. Get ready – how will you prepare yourself and your team in advance so you all get the most from the session?
5. Beautiful oops – how will you embrace the bits that don’t go to plan?
Online opportunities can be exciting. They can be tiring too and we are all starting to feel ‘Zoomed out’ or are experiencing ‘Teams fatigue’. I suspect we are going to be living and working in this space for many weeks and months to come so let’s consider how we take a human centred approach to meaningful engagement and learning together in the online space.
CLPL Strategy Call
If you would like to discuss how you can do this, I am offering a CLPL Strategy Call. 75 minutes with you or your SLT followed by a 30 minute check-in. In this call you will get clarity on what you want to achieve in your CLPL session(s) and an easy to implement plan to achieve this. Consideration will be given to how you can prepare yourself and your team for maximum impact and at the same time meet health and wellbeing needs.