My story so far...

One of the things we do as business owners (and I am now one of them) is write our ‘story’ or more specifically our ‘founder story’. The wee voice in my head tells me I don’t really have one, or not least not the way they normally appear – what you were doing before, the moment of clarity and then what you did about it.  It sounds so simple when I say it like that.  

My story doesn’t really follow that pattern but I don’t think that makes me any less of a founder.  So this is my story, my way.

When I look back on my career I notice some patterns and I can join the dots to tell  the story of how I got to where I am now.  If I had listened carefully and read between the lines I would have heard the whispers and seen the outline of where I was going.  But I didn’t at the time, at the time I was focused on doing what was needed.

Each move in my career be that up, sideways or out has been triggered by being in a situation that was no longer aligned to my values or me choosing to be bolder in my values of integrity, growth, courage and service.  I’m also restless, I’m restless for improvement and growth for all.  My restlessness sits within a secure foundation of values, psychology and how I do what I do. 

With each move I would listen. I would listen to what is said, not said and the spaces in between.  With all my senses I would listen to understand.

And each time I would quietly get on and do the work that needed to be done to improve the wider system, joining the dots and people along the way. Being present in a way that allowed me to ‘see the wood and the trees’.

Each move was an iteration of the one before.

So, that’s how I got here. No big leaps, no dramatic moments. It’s a story of iterative cycles of restless growth within me and the wider system. Each one providing the space for the next.

And just like every time before I am listening and I am quietly getting on and doing the work that needs to be done while joining dots and people. The iterative process is always in motion, this moment now is creating the next.

I want more people to be restless for improvement and growth for themselves and the wider system. I want more disruption and I want that to have depth and quality.  I’m not interested in change that only agitates the surface of the water. I’m bringing restlessness into consciousness so that you can create the improvement you might not yet know that you want or need.  I’m helping others to disrupt and the potential is infinite because I always have one eye on the wider system.

At my core; I am quietly disruptive.


21 things...


Karma Coaching