Stillness and Enough

Cultivating Stillness

Stillness, the ability to stop, think and not being completely overwhelmed and driven by the challenges and noise of the modern world is. How often do we take the time to be still and to be silent.

Sara Maitland in her book the Power of Silence talks about silence as a resource. So often we think of silence as an absence of something or many things. If we consider is a resource, what does it offer us?

I believe it offers us the space to hear own thoughts.

I believe it offers us the space to feel our feelings.

I believe it offers us the space to be.

This resource that we have is infinite. Each and everyone of us has so much within us, so much to offer. If we slow down, find some stillness and silence, we find the source within.

If we find the source within, maybe then we find we are enough?

If we aren’t able to stand or sit still and quietly maybe we will not see the infinite resource we have. Maybe we will continue to be overwhelmed by the functions and dysfunctions of the world we live in and the messages we receive both subtle and explicit...

Allow yourself to hear the gentle call of stillness.

Can you?

Will you?




On being Gently Bold and Quietly Standing Out